
Slow progress

Okay so me and Sprog haven’t got as much painting done as we’d hoped, but there has been some. Sprog spent some time on her ghosts, she’s skipped the whole idea of uniform colours and gone for pure style instead. I’m trying not to talk her through painting too much, instead letting her find her own way and answer any questions when she asks. That’s why the faded purple is so cool, she sat there and figured it out because that’s what she thought would look good. I’ve managed to get one unit almost ready as well, after a bit of trial and error I’ve managed to find a quick way to get a base down with rattle cans. Prime black, the zenithal red (Halfords red primer is great) this gives a great base for red armour, meaning I can just add details and highlights and it’s passable. That’s about it for now but there is still some small hope we’ll get a game before the end of the summer holidays and maybe even get some basing done.

Sprog's top 5 Nighthaunts

 Sprogs first blog post is a list of her favourite models from the Nighthaunts.... 1. knight of shrouds. He’s my favourite because of how he’s floating off the fence bit 2. Executioner.  Because of all the spinning head bits. 3. Knight of Shrouds on horse. Because I like the big ghost horse and spikey helmet 4. Scythe ghost. Because he looks like he’s just about to chop down on something. 5. Ghost bell. Because it’s funny he just has a big bell.

First steps

After showing Sprog some of the pictures and videos of the models in the new box set “Soul Wars” I was fairly confident I could get her on board to join me in trying it out. But just to be sure I picked up a couple of test models to see how she coped with the hobby part of the game. After a quick trip to my local Warhammer store I left with a couple of free Stormcasts as part of their big release paint competition and a Knight of shrouds to see how she did. The Stormcast were great for going through the basics of how to flip out parts and glue them together, I did one and she copied me bit by bit. There was never any question about which half of the new box she would want so after a quick safety talk, (don’t clip your fingers off and don’t sniff the glue) I set her up with the knight of shrouds, tools, glue, and instruction sheet and let her go. She asked a few questions and took her time but got there in the end and seemed keen to try it again (very proud Dad time).