First steps

After showing Sprog some of the pictures and videos of the models in the new box set “Soul Wars” I was fairly confident I could get her on board to join me in trying it out. But just to be sure I picked up a couple of test models to see how she coped with the hobby part of the game.
After a quick trip to my local Warhammer store I left with a couple of free Stormcasts as part of their big release paint competition and a Knight of shrouds to see how she did.

The Stormcast were great for going through the basics of how to flip out parts and glue them together, I did one and she copied me bit by bit.
There was never any question about which half of the new box she would want so after a quick safety talk, (don’t clip your fingers off and don’t sniff the glue) I set her up with the knight of shrouds, tools, glue, and instruction sheet and let her go.
She asked a few questions and took her time but got there in the end and seemed keen to try it again (very proud Dad time).

So on the big release day I just happened to have snagged the day off work, we decided to make a day of it and head into London for some geeky fun.

Step one was to head to Warhammer on Tottenham Court Road, we managed to snag a painting demo for Sprog and then a quick demo of the game for the pair of us. I have to say I’m consistently impressed by the staff in that store and I say that a bit of a retail snob (ok a huge retail snob)
The demos were great and we stocked up Sprog with all the hobby gear she'd need to get started.

I also dropped the Stormcast I picked up into their painting competition, got some really nice comments on the paint job which is always nice.

A few other stops such as Forbidden Planet and Orcs Nest it's off to Dark Sphere to pick up my preorder of Soul Wars. I'll always recommend Dark Sphere for anyone buying gaming stuff, as they have a great range and are well priced but be warned service is an after thought at best (once again retail snob I know).

Despite the being more than a bit tired after the walk around town when we got home we were both excited enough to start unpacking the new toys. I was impressed by the sheer amount of books in the box, a full hard back rule book, a core rules book, a "start here" book, and a campaign type book too. She was very impressed by the sheer number of models.

We got straight onto the job of building the Nighthaunt, once again she was confident that she could
do it alone so I offered moral support (and looked up Descendants 3 rumors for her)  while she clipped assembled and glued the ghosts together. She's a big fan of lego and thats a good guide for how well this models go together, there is very little needed outside of a bit of patience to follow the instructions.

The joy of building them kept her entertained on and off for a few day and now she just has the last few to build. The Stormcast were just as easy to build, the only thing that kept slowing me down was fighting to get my desk back from Sprog.

Outside of the hobby we have both been flicking through the rulebook, mainly at the pictures truth be told. I've skimmed the core rules to get a rough idea of how things work but figured it would be more fun to learn together at the table.

Thanks for reading hopefully by the next post we should both have some painted models to show you.


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